Charlett Albert

Watch Charlett empower women on instagram @charlettalbert and on facebook here.

Five sentences about me…

I am originally from Germany but left when I was 18 to travel the world for almost 6 years. Traveling brings me so much joy. I love eating local foods from different cultures and meeting people from different backgrounds.

I found my hubby and home in Florida, US, which has been my residence for the past 12 years. I worked in corporate sales for 10+ years and started my online sales coaching business as a new mommy.

My greatest joy is helping female entrepreneurs have consistent cash months online with simple sales strategies while being able to be present with their kids & enjoy their lives.

Five sentences about what I've endured in the fertility realm...

I was a workaholic. Coffee, long work days, always on the go. I did NOT know how to relax nor how to eat/live in line with my hormones. We dealt with infertility for over two years, had a miscarriage until I made some drastic lifestyle changes that finally made our dream a reality. Now we are happy parents of Emily (5) and Evan (2).

One thing I wish I knew going into my fertility journey...

I wish I knew how important it is to honor and understand the feminine body. As a women working in corporate at that time I was working (& being) like a man in a female body. Coffee, 55+ hour weeks, no breaks, always hustling. No wonder I was not able to conceive. Learning to rest and honor my female body & hormones has been the best (and hardest) lesson of my life.

One thing about me that is forever changed because of my fertility journey...

I will forever honor my hormones and live a life that honors all parts of me.

One funny moment or anecdote from my fertility journey...

After researching the web for months "trying" to find answers. I heard what I needed to hear from my dentist. LOL She opened my eyes to lifestyle changes that I previously rolled my eyes to. Sometimes the answers come to us in moments we least expect it. The question is: Are we open to receive them?

One product, practice, or ritual I adopted during my fertility journey, which I have/have not kept a part of my life...

Understanding and mastering my masculine & feminine side has been an essential part of my life since my fertility journey. It made me a happier women and wife.