The What & How
Abbe Feder, CEO InCircle Fertility
At InCircle Fertility we know all too well how taxing the infertility process can be: emotionally, financially, physically and relationally. Trying to conceive can take over your life, leaving you drained, depressed, isolated and alone.
Too often during this struggle, there is a gap between the clinical approach of doctors and the well-meaning, but frequently off-the-mark input from friends and family. There is much information to sort through, many decisions to be made and few people in your daily life that can relate.
InCircle Fertility is a built-in support system to lean-on, and a resource to help you navigate this difficult and complex process. Whether you need help finding the right doctor or you need a shoulder to cry on. Whether you need to talk through choosing a course of treatment or vent about another pregnancy announcement on social media. Whether you need an advocate beside you at your next appointment or a pep-talk after a failed cycle.
Once you start getting the support you need, this journey will feel more manageable. We have helped countless women, all across the US and abroad, build inner strength, re-group and chart a path forward. When it comes to trying to conceive unconventionally, there is so much hurry up and wait. There is so much that is beyond your control. Working with InCircle Fertility is something you can do right now to regain some control while taking care of yourself.