Annika Levitt

Follow Annika and her incredible group of warriors on facebook here.

Five sentences about me…

I'm a Jersey gal, born and raised, rockin' my big curls in suburbia Mom life. After teaching first grade for a decade-plus, I've turned my own infertility struggles into an online support forum for women to link, connect and support from coast to coast. Although my license reads 5 feet; I'm just shy of it but have a "tall" drive to network with those in similar circles of life.

Five sentences about what I've endured in the fertility realm...

After being diagnosed with a handful of acronyms in the infertility realm we landed on unexplained (that word still makes me cringe). However, a genetic test revealed that hubby and I were both carriers of a single gene mutation, and the odds of having a healthy baby were too risky on our own. We went straight to IVF and were blessed with our two miracles.

One thing I wish I knew going into my fertility journey...

Simple answer: if I knew I was not alone and there was a whole network/community of women, wow-that would have been a game-changer! There's just something about women who have been there & done that and just get it at the wee hours of the morning. I'm blessed with family, friends of many circles, co-workers and my social media says I'm not alone. However, when going through the roller coaster I truly felt as though I was on the sidelines. Now there are so many wonderful support outlets, coaches, and forums.

One thing about me that is forever changed because of my fertility journey...

Appreciation. I have the utmost gratitude for being a Mommy when I look at my miracles and the journey that we endured. I remember thinking that if I were lucky enough to be a mom I'd never take it for granted, sweat the small stuff, or complain about material things like bad hair days. Definitely have kept my bargain about never taking things for granted...the bad hair days do exist.

One funny moment or anecdote from my fertility journey...

In the peak of infertility desperation, I turned to a "fertility healer" referred to me by my acupuncturist. I schlepped into New York City after a day of teaching first graders, climbed up a few stories of steps and the smell of incense brought me to her office (like a pie in the oven cartoon style). I just had endured a failed cycle and was close to giving up. This "healer" had me put on a soft robe, lavender lotion, and twist my hair in a bun. I found myself laying on the table when she advised me to speak to my body, "be one with your ovaries." I took a deep breath, opened my eyes, and found myself saying, "What up bit**hes?" Sometimes there are no words to sugarcoat it all.

One product, practice, or ritual I adopted during my fertility journey, which I have/have not kept a part of my life...

Writing/keeping a journal. Every year I buy myself a new journal from Barnes and Noble IN PERSON to keep track of important dates, anniversaries, and significant events. I set monthly goals and try to stick to them. No matter what the turn of events it helps me to see how far I've come, where I'm headed, or how fast time flies.