Posts in Unexplained Infertility
Kelly Armstrong

Every infertility story looks and feels different from the next. Unexplained Infertility is different from a miscarriage, and a miscarriage is different from PCOS, and unexplained infertility is different from Secondary unexplained infertility and so on. They all have their unique challenges and require a different path of emotions

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Jacqueline Fernando

My husband and I spent 8 years in the infertility world struggling to conceive because of an Unexplained Infertility diagnosis. What a maddening and cruel joke of a diagnosis! Fertility treatment reminded me that I have very little control of anything and that being patient and handling setbacks was going to be a skill I had to learn whether I wanted to or not.

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Laurie Haines

I am a FIGHTER! I beat infertility odds and at 43 became a mom of twin girls after 3 years of trying. I'm currently battling my second round of breast cancer only 6 months after finishing chemo. I'm an artist, musician, poet and I DON'T GIVE UP.

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Brigid May

I'm a poet/educator/artist/philosopher from the Pacific Northwest. I love my family of two and my two dogs. I feel incredibly called to create and explore, and also rest and relax! I studied theatre/broadcasting in college and love storytelling.

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