Brigid May

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Follow Brigid and her wonderful, fulfilled life on IG @TheFruitlessFigtree

Five sentences about me…

I'm a poet/educator/artist/philosopher from the Pacific Northwest. I love my family of two and my two dogs. I feel incredibly called to create and explore, and also rest and relax! I studied theatre/broadcasting in college and love storytelling. I work in Montessori early childhood education and love the Montessori philosophy for school and for life!

Five sentences about what I've endured in the fertility realm...

My husband and I tried to conceive for two years before being diagnosed with unexplained infertility. Instead of pursing treatments, we chose to pursue a childfree life after infertility. I didn't really have a community for my experience until I found the Childless Community online. It can be very hard to find the balance between the joy of being childfree and the grief of being childless. I'm learning to live in that gray area between the two.

One thing I wish I knew going into my fertility journey...

That coming out without a child will be okay. I will still have a wonderful, fulfilled life.

One thing about me that is forever changed because of my fertility journey...

My resolve to be proud of my life just the way it is.

One funny moment or anecdote from my fertility journey...

God... I don't know how many times I've laughed at the number of condoms we used to buy! Natural contraceptive over here!

One product, practice, or ritual I adopted during my fertility journey, which I have/have not kept a part of my life...

I will put my hands over my ovaries and uterus and I will imagine a bright light pouring into them as I say, "You are not broken. You are wonderful just the way you are. I am thankful for you."