Posts in Pregnancy After Loss
Stephanie Cartin

After numerous medical procedures during our infertility journey including surgery for polyp removal, an HSG that resulted in an infection, multiple uterine biopsies, hysteroscopies, 5 IUI's, an egg retrieval and transfer that resulted in our embryo splitting, diagnosis of twin to twin transfusion, the loss of one of our twins at 17.5 weeks (our baby Emmy), PPROM (Premature rupture of membranes) 17 weeks on bed rest, 11 of those inpatient in the hospital plus a NICU stay, we finally had our miracle baby, Mollie Hope.

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Laurie Haines

I am a FIGHTER! I beat infertility odds and at 43 became a mom of twin girls after 3 years of trying. I'm currently battling my second round of breast cancer only 6 months after finishing chemo. I'm an artist, musician, poet and I DON'T GIVE UP.

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Ali Prato

I am a secondary infertility warrior and mom-of-two based in Brooklyn. My husband and I started dating when we were 16 (but, caveat, we dated other people when we went to two different colleges.) I've been a journalist my entire career and pivoted to launching my podcast, Infertile, and co-founding Fertility Rally after going through infertility profoundly changed me as a human

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Blair Nelson

I’m an animal, travel, tv/movie, holiday junkie living in Austin, Texas. I work in commercial real estate full time and co-own Fertility Rally - I host/run the Fab Fertility account and podcast in my free time. My husband Will (no relation to Willie) and I got married in 2017 and have been trying to grow our family ever since.

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Aimee Baron

I'm a pediatrician by training but was compelled to do this work after my own personal journey with secondary infertility and multiple miscarriages. I worked in the Jewish pregnancy loss space first and then created @iwassupposedtohaveababy as a way to bring comfort and support to anyone in this community who was struggling.

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