Kristyn Hodgdon

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Follow Kristyn and the powerful stories she finds and shares on IG @fertility.rescripted

Five sentences about me…

I am the Co-Founder of Rescripted. We are the #1 global social network for those interested in fertility topics, offering tools and resources for wherever you are on your family-building journey. I am also a mom of 3-year-old boy/girl twins who were conceived via IVF, a self-proclaimed book nerd, and an at-home fitness junkie. Coming from a publishing background, I truly believe in the power of words to heal, inspire, and let people know they are not alone, which is why I started The Fertility Tribe to provide an online community for those dealing with infertility and pregnancy loss.

Five sentences about what I've endured in the fertility realm...

A few months after getting married I went off the birth control pill and never got my period back. After a blood test and ultrasound confirmed what she already suspected, my OBGYN diagnosed me with PCOS and told me I would need the help of a Reproductive Endocrinologist to get pregnant. She, along with my first fertility doctor, assured me that I was 'young and healthy’ and that all I would 'just' need Clomid to help me ovulate, and I would be pregnant in no time. Little did I know then, but I was in for a year-long fertility journey that would both challenge me and change me. I ended up going through several failed IUIs with ovulation meds before moving on and having success with IVF. My twins were born in October of 2018.

One thing I wish I knew going into my fertility journey...

Because I was referred to a Reproductive Endocrinologist immediately following my PCOS diagnosis, I always say that my husband and I were thrust into the world of infertility before we were ‘ready.' Although we knew we wanted kids sooner rather than later, neither of us had any idea when we started fertility treatments just how much of a commitment they would be: physically, mentally, and emotionally. Looking back now, I wish I would have been more mentally prepared for the physical and emotional toll it would all take on me. I felt like my mind was 10 steps behind my body during the entire process.

One thing about me that is forever changed because of my fertility journey...

Going through infertility made me a more empathetic person. It showed me the importance of our words and how they can impact others, for better or worse. It taught me to let go of the things I can't control and not "sweat the small stuff," which I think has helped me a lot as a mom of twins. Most of all, I learned how strong I am because being strong was the only choice I had.

One funny moment or anecdote from my fertility journey...

I'm not sure how you can get through infertility without a sense of humor. If I didn't laugh, I would have been crying all of the time! I think the funniest moment of all was when I first came off the birth control pill and actually thought I could get pregnant by having sex. Ha!

One product, practice, or ritual I adopted during my fertility journey, which I have/have not kept a part of my life...

I have always been into working out, more for my mental health than anything else, so I had a really hard time when I was told to 'slow down' and focus on low intensity exercise during fertility treatments. However, during IVF I really came to appreciate yoga. It made me feel strong and gave me back some semblance of control during a process that was largely out of my control. Now I am back to my usual high-intensity Youtube workouts (Hi, Sydney Cummings!), but I still love a good yoga class every now and then!